How to Have a Safe Kambo Experience

The medicine was applied and the usual feelings of heat and pressure in the face, neck and chest began to slowly creep in. I sat with bated breath, mentally preparing for nausea’s familiar iron grip to take hold.

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That first Kambo purge was the beginning of a sacred journey with the frog that has led me all over the world and back again and now to write this article and share something very special with you. Next, we were instructed to drink a litre and a half of water as quickly as possible. Drinking so much water on an empty stomach just felt so unnatural but we just did as we were told. After the session, you’ll feel energized, and clear-headed—like a weight has been lifted. After all the effort you’ve put into regaining your energy and vitality with little to show for it, you may feeling exhausted from trying to solve this issue on top of it all. Join our mailing list to receive the latest news from the psychedelic world. Dry the venom and keep it in a cold dark place, preferably with no air.If you don’t do this, Kambo will lose potency within a few weeks or months.When you store Kambo well, it will last for years.

prior the treatment

She told me to look up a practitioner named Peter Gorman who was a true pioneer in the Kambo scene. He had spent a lot of time living with the Matses tribe in Peru and had brought Kambo to the West in the 80’s. Intrigued, I read his book “Sapo in my Soul” and I was shocked to discover that there was another method to apply Kambo. What I have just described to you is the traditional Brazilian Kambo method. For 99% of Western Kambo practitioners and receivers, this is the only way to do Kambo. As the process began I started to feel that now familiar heat and pressure around my face and neck and as I glanced around the room I saw flushed red faces looking back at me.


Read more about Yopo here. I knew there was nothing I could do now other than to buckle up and ride the storm. As the nausea reached a climax, my fingers went instinctively into my throat to trigger the gag reflex and I purged.

What are the Risk Factors with Kambo?

The blood pressure may rise or fall dramatically,accompanied by an increased awareness of the veins and arteries. Many people report a tingling or burning sensation like electricity that starts from the points and spreads through the body. Indigenous facilitators are likely to understand how to guide people through the kambo experience in some depth, and will probably have a good anticipation of what dose is appropriate for you. They will likely have spent years training with kambo and other plant medicines, including going on challenging dietas.